- Accumulate
- Ace In The Sleeve
- Adaptive Armour
- Adrenaline
- Amethyst Shard
- Anguish
- Antidote
- Arc Slash
- Arcane Aegis
- Arcane Barrage
- Arcane Blast
- Arcane Conjuring
- Arcane Emerald
- Arcane Storm
- Armour
- Armour Of Thorns
- Auto-Shields
- Backpack
- Bag Of Kindling
- Battle Trance
- Bide
- Blade Scatter
- Blade Toss
- Blazing Staff
- Bleeding Heart
- Blind
- Block
- Blood Strike
- Bo Strike
- Bolster
- Bonk
- Boomerang
- Boomerang Shard
- Bottled Snake
- Brace
- Buckler
- Burn
- Burning Blades
- Calming Gem
- Candelabra
- Channel
- Chaos Crystal
- Chaos Duplex
- Chaos Orb
- Chaos Pact
- Cheap Shot
- Chemical Arrow
- Chomp
- Citrine Core
- Citrine Shard
- Coated Blades
- Collected Plan
- Combo Strike
- Combustion
- Come At Me
- Concentrate
- Concoction
- Conditioning
- Cone Of Flame
- Conflagration
- Conjure Thorns
- Corrupted Flask
- Creative Pulse
- Crescent Sweep
- Cripple
- Cycle
- Dark Shout
- Dash
- Defend
- Deliverance
- Dig Down
- Disarm
- Discovery
- Disintegrate
- Divination
- Divine Shield
- Dodge
- Double-Edged Sword
- Double Slap
- Double Up
- Drain Life
- Duplicate
- Earth Shake
- Echo Guard
- Eight-Palm Strike
- Embellished Strike
- Empower
- Endgame
- Energise
- Energy Bloom
- Eruption
- Essence Harvest
- Eternal Heart
- Expose
- Expressive Pulse
- Falter
- Fan Of Flame
- Fearless Charge
- Feast
- Fester
- Fiend Fire
- Fire Blanket
- Fireball
- Firecrackers
- Flame Barrier
- Flame Breath
- Flame Claw
- Flame Sweep
- Flash Heal
- Flourish
- Flurry
- Focus Mind
- Focused Strikes
- Follow Up
- Forced Compilation
- Foretold Blade
- Forge
- Formulate
- Fortify
- Four-Palm Strike
- Four Paths
- Frantic Swipe
- Fury
- Gale Strike
- Gather
- Gems Of Harmony
- Generate
- Glimmerstone
- Grievous Blow
- Guard
- Gust
- Hail Of Blades
- Hand Of Pain
- Harsh Insight
- Havoc
- Healing Flask
- Healing Salve
- Heart Armour
- Heat Of Battle
- Heater Shield
- Hemlock Vial
- Herb Remedy
- Hex
- Hidden Blade
- Hidden Move
- Homing Soulmass
- Howling Pit
- Hydra Form
- Imbued Blade
- Impale
- Implode
- Incinerate
- Infection
- Inner Flame
- Inner Peace
- Inner Strike
- Innovate
- Jade Blade
- Jade Shard
- Katan Slash
- Kunai Shower
- Landslide
- Lantern
- Last Embers
- Leap
- Lightning Storm
- Loaded Deck
- Lockdown
- Look Ahead
- Magic Shield
- Magic Sword
- Main Page
- Mana Ball
- Mana Crystal
- Mana Gem
- Mana Orb
- Manipulate
- Mark Of Corruption
- Mass Blind
- Mass Channel
- Meditate
- Meteor Shower
- Miasma
- Mirror Aura
- Mirror Of Reflection
- Mischief And Magic
- Mischievous Blade
- Molotov Cocktail
- Mutilate
- Neutralising Glare
- Offensive Gem
- Palm Strike
- Palm Sweep
- Parry
- Past In Flames
- Patience
- Peek
- Peer Beyond
- Perceive Violence
- Persevere
- Persistent Study
- Pierce
- Pitch
- Plated Smash
- Poisoned Slash
- Ponder
- Portable Barrier
- Powder
- Power Gauntlet
- Preemptive Strike
- Preordain
- Preparation
- Primal Strength
- Priming Slash
- Project
- Protect
- Protective Circle
- Provision
- Punch
- Pure Strike
- Purity
- Pursuit
- Quick Slash
- Recurring Strike
- Refactor
- Refined Strike
- Refined Study
- Refinement
- Rejuvenation Crystal
- Rekindle
- Repose
- Repulse
- Resist
- Resourceful Strike
- Righteous Nova
- Ring Of Efficacy
- Riot Shield
- Rock
- Rogue's Mirror
- Rogue's Shiv
- Rogue's Tabi
- Rogue Daggers
- Routine Prayer
- Ruby Shard
- Rummage
- Sabotage
- Salmon
- Salt
- Sanguine Barrier
- Sanguine Slash
- Sapphire Shard
- Scorch
- Seal
- Searing Daggers
- Seek
- Seeking Soul
- Selective Slash
- Setup
- Shackles Of Pain
- Shell Stance
- Shield Slam
- Shimmering Barrier
- Shocking Touch
- Shrimp
- Sift
- Siphoning Shield
- Skullcrack
- Slash
- Sleight Of Hand
- Slime
- Smoke And Daggers
- Smoke Bomb
- Snatch
- Soul Scrape
- Soul Scythe
- Spark Punch
- Sphere Stance
- Stacked Guard
- Static Barrier
- Stave Weave
- Steady Lifting
- Steroids
- Strategic Planning
- Stretched Strike
- Strike
- Strong Arm
- Sun Fall
- Supplies
- Sword Bash
- Sync Mind
- Talisman Of Balance
- Tar
- Temporary Reprieve
- The Crane
- Thorned Shield
- Time Stasis
- Topaz Shard
- Torch
- Toughen Up
- Toxic Dart
- Toxic Shiv
- Toxic Shivs
- Toxic Shroom
- Turn To Frog
- Twin Bite
- Twin Slash
- Unburden
- Uncertainty
- Unload
- Unstable Core
- Unstable Strike
- Vampirism
- Violent Pulse
- Warped Strike
- Webbing
- Weighted Shuriken
- Wibbity Wobbity
- Wild Slash
- Wild Spark
- Wizard Staff
- Worn Bracer
- Worship
- Wound
- Wraith Strike
- Wreath Of Fire
- Yin / Yang
- Zing
You shouldn't even be seeing this. Bizzeebeever told me to add this here so that we can get responsiveness working for all screens.