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2 February 2025

     10:11  (Upload log) [NmgsWiki‎ (24×)]
10:11 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:ManaBall.png
10:11 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:ManaGem.png
10:11 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:FocusedStrikes.png
10:11 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:RefinedStudy.png
10:11 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:ArcaneEmerald.png
10:10 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:ToxicShivs.png
10:10 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Candelabra.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:HeartArmour.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:SiphoningShield.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Powder.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Salmon.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Shrimp.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:StrongArm.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Uncertainty.png
10:03 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:MirrorOfReflection.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:HealingFlask.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:HeaterShield.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:TalismanOfBalance.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:EternalHeart.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:BagOfKindling.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Buckler.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:Armour.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:LoadedDeck.png
10:02 NmgsWiki talk contribs uploaded File:RejuvenationCrystal.png
N    10:11  Mana Ball diffhist +222 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Mana Ball == Mana Ball == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Refund the mana cost of the first <b>2</b> <b>Arcane</b> cards you play each combat. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:11  Mana Gem diffhist +197 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Mana Gem == Mana Gem == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Gain <b><span style='color:#6effaa'>2</span></b> maximum mana. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:11  Focused Strikes diffhist +303 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Focused Strikes == Focused Strikes == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Whenever you attack an enemy, deal <b><span style='color:#ff2323'>2</span></b> <u>d</u>amage for each other attack that has targetted it this turn. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:11  Refined Study diffhist +196 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Refined Study == Refined Study == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |A card reward option is always fully upgraded. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:11  Arcane Emerald diffhist +296 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Arcane Emerald == Arcane Emerald == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |The first time you play an <b>Arcane</b> card each turn, deal <b><span style='color:#ff2323'>3</span></b> <u>d</u>amage at random <b>twice</b>. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:10  Toxic Shivs diffhist +296 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Toxic Shivs == Toxic Shivs == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the start of the first turn of combat, add <b>2</b> copies of <b>Toxic Shiv</b> to hand. They gain <b>transient</b>, <b>expend</b> and <b>retain</b>. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:10  Candelabra diffhist +336 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Candelabra == Candelabra == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |The first time you expend a card each turn, deal <b><span style='color:#ff2323'>3</span></b> <u>d</u>amage and apply <span style='color:#ff7400'><b>3</b></span> <u>b</u>urning to a random enemy. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Uncertainty diffhist +234 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Uncertainty == Uncertainty == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Draw an additional <b>3</b> cards per turn. Whenever you draw a card, randomise its cost. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Heart Armour diffhist +245 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Heart Armour == Heart Armour == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Gain <b>1</b> <u>s</u>trength, <b>1</b> <u>t</u>oughness and <b>1</b> <u>v</u>itality permanently. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Siphoning Shield diffhist +276 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Siphoning Shield == Siphoning Shield == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the start of each turn, drain up to <b><span style='color:#00ffff'>5</span></b> <u>s</u>hield from a random enemy. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Powder diffhist +283 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Powder == Powder == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |When picked up, gain <b><span style='color:#ff7400'>1</span></b> kindling. Spend a charge (<b>3</b> remaining) at bonfires to remove cards from the deck. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Salmon diffhist +232 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Salmon == Salmon == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |When picked up, gain <b>8</b> maximum health and heal for <b><span style='color:#00e600'>6</span></b>. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Shrimp diffhist +232 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Shrimp == Shrimp == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |When picked up, gain <b>6</b> maximum health and heal for <b><span style='color:#00e600'>4</span></b>. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Strong Arm diffhist +176 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Strong Arm == Strong Arm == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Gain <b>1</b> strength permanently. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:03  Mirror Of Reflection diffhist +214 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Mirror Of Reflection == Mirror Of Reflection == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Double the effects of your starter artifact. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Buckler diffhist +238 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Buckler == Buckler == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Whenever you play <b>3</b> attacks in a turn, gain <b>1</b> toughness and shield equal to your toughness. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Healing Flask diffhist +291 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Healing Flask == Healing Flask == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Gain <b>1</b> vitality permanently. At the end of each combat, heal for <b><span style='color:#00e600'>0</span></b> (equal to your vitality). |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Heater Shield diffhist +186 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Heater Shield == Heater Shield == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Gain <b>1</b> toughness permanently. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Rejuvenation Crystal diffhist +284 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Rejuvenation Crystal == Rejuvenation Crystal == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the end of each combat, restore <b><span style='color:#6effaa'>0</span></b> mana (<b>40%</b> of maximum mana). |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Talisman Of Balance diffhist +217 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Talisman Of Balance == Talisman Of Balance == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |Whenever you gain strength, gain that much shield. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Eternal Heart diffhist +260 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Eternal Heart == Eternal Heart == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the end of each combat, gain <b><span style='color:#00e600'>1</span></b> maximum health per enemy defeated. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Bag Of Kindling diffhist +229 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Bag Of Kindling == Bag Of Kindling == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |When picked up, gain <b><span style='color:#ff7400'>3</span></b> kindling. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Armour diffhist +228 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Armour == Armour == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the start of the first turn of combat, gain <b><span style='color:#00ffff'>3</span></b> shield. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Loaded Deck diffhist +235 NmgsWiki talk contribs (Created page with "thumb|alt=Loaded Deck == Loaded Deck == <br /> {| class="fandom-table" !'''Details''' |At the start of the first turn of combat, discover a card from the deck and add it to hand. |} <br /> Category:Artifacts")
N    10:02  Category:Artifacts diffhist +141 Automatic category creator talk contribs (Created automatically by the AutoCreateCategoryPages extension.)